How I Made $20 In Less Than Three Hours From A Writing Site
You may be thinking by now that I have lost my sanity after reading the title.Believe me, I really made $20 in less than three hours on a writing site.And I spent only 15 minutes to earn that money.One single article on that site earned me $20 in less than three hours while my 500 plus articles at Triond can’t earn me $20 in three full months.Incredible? Please read on……
Bubblews: I came to know about this writing site called Bubblews in December, last year.I just had a look at that site and couldn't believe then the rewards the site claimed to give to its writers.
I got payments from Bubblews: I started to republish my articles there on Bubblews immediately after joining the site.Within a week I reached the payout $25.When I requested for my payment their moderator sent me a mail that said my account was flagged for violating one or more of their publishing rules.I immediately replied Bubblews explaining them that I had not violated any of their rules.Then they sent a ECheck immediately after confirming my articles are original.Then I posted this article My experiences with popular writing sites on Bubblews on 14th February 2013.I won't say it's a great article, I wrote it in just 15 minutes and obviously I didn't expect great results from that article.To my surprise, that article went viral somehow and got over 2000 views in less than 3 hours.That means I had earned more than $20 in less than 3 hours.Imagine, I spent only 15 minutes to earn this $20.I immediately made my 2nd redemption request as I instantly reached the pay out after publishing this article.To my surprise, Bubblews sent me my 2nd payment within 24 hours through Paypal, this time instantly.Here is the proof of my 2nd payment.Then while I am writing this article I received my 1st payment too.
Payment Proof: sent you $32.80 USD
Transaction ID
Dear ,
Just thought you'd like to know sent you $32.80 USD.
Note from
Thank you for being a part of the Bubblews movement.
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Once you've received payment you can:
Withdraw it to your bank account or request a cheque (takes about four to six working days).
Don't see the money in your account?
Don't worry — sometimes it just takes a few minutes for it to show up.
Yours sincerely,
Is Bubblews a legitimate site? I have got 6 payments from Bubblews so far.Bubblews pays 100 times more than what Triond pays its writers.What a huge difference between Bubblews and Triond? Now, you may get this doubt, how could Bubblews pay such huge remuneration to its writers when no other writing site could afford? Does it mean all other writing sites are making huge profits from the content posted by the writers and paying only peanuts to them? Can Bubblews continue to pay like this in future?
Triond and Bubblews: It's true Triond is beyond doubts a legitimate writing site as far as payment is concerned.It pays you on time and every time.Can Bubblews pay you every time? That we have to wait and see.Yet, even if you could get one payment from Bubblews, it will be much more profitable than any other writing site.As of now Bubblews is a legitimate writing site.I still can't figure out, how they are able to give such huge rewards to its writers.
Tips to earn fast money on Bubblews: My advice is, join the site as quickly as possible.You can reach your payout $25 within 3 or 4 days.Just keep on posting articles and share them with top social networking sites.I am sure, you will not regret the time you spent there.I am not sure, how long Bubblews will be able to give such huge rewards to the writers.How long can they make payments without fail? All I can say is, Strike while the iron is hot.Make hay while the Sun shines.
Bottom line: One thing is obvious.All writing sites are making huge profits and paying only peanuts to the writers.Bubblews is too good and yet true as of now.Bubblews is indeed making a revolution in writing industry market.Thanks for reading.