If you are an online writer you may be publishing articles regularly. You are aware that adding images to your articles can enhance the quality of your articles. Your readers may stay longer in your blogs. It’s good if you can insert your own images in your blogs. However you may not have enough suitable images to add to your articles. You will have to find free images from the web to use in your articles. Where can you get copyright free images to use in your articles? Please continue reading…..
Royalty free images: Many bloggers think that they can use
Royalty free images in their articles without getting permission from the image owners. Royalty free images are not copyright free images. What are Royalty free images? If you make a onetime payment to the Royalty free image owner, you can use the image for any number of times and that is why it is called Royalty free images. However you must pay some money before buying and using Royalty free images in your articles.Copyright free images: Some image owners allow you to use their images in your blogs without paying any money to them. They don’t even expect you to give them credit. It is a bit difficult to find such copyright free images in the web. However, it is always safe to use copyright free images in your blogs.
Images-creative commons: Many image owners choose to offer their work under
a creative commons license. In this case, only some rights are reserved. They allow the bloggers to use their images in their blogs provided they give credit to them. You can find thousands of such images at Flickr.Copyright violations could be dangerous: If you are a blogger, you have to be very careful when using images from the web. If you use copyright images without getting appropriate permissions from the image owners, you may get into serious problems. You may have to give away a big amount towards compensation/damages. It is considered as a crime and in some severe violation cases the violator may even have to face imprisonment. So don’t take this easily and be very careful when using images from web.
Summary: The basic differences between copyright free images and Royalty free images are discussed in this article. If you are a blogger or online writer, you should use your own images in your blogs. If you want to use images from web, you should see that the images are copyright free. You need to give credit if necessary. If you add appropriate copyright free images to your articles, it may increase your page views and Google ad sense earnings considerably. Thanks for reading.